Friday, 23 August 2013

Knitting - Another Piece of MIL's Quilt

I started on an appliqué block of knitting needles and wool a little while ago .. but my blanket stitching skills were not up to the teeny weeny stitches that were required for the needles - fail!

So I turned to Kristy at Quiet Play to see if she could "Pretty Please" help with a design.

It just so happened that she was thinking of doing a knitting theme, so my humble begging request was well timed!

Have you ever heard of that ol' saying "Be careful what you ask for"?

Well ... ahem ... 

This fantastic little pattern was a bit of a challenge for little ol' me and, to be honest, when I first read the pattern I was was a little freaked out (Kristy what I emailed you is our little secret ok? You can bribe me later).

As always when I start a FPP project I set my stitch length to 1.2 for ease of paper tearing later.  One of the first sections I had to sew was exactly 3 stitches long - so tiny!

When I got back on my chair and centred my chakras I continued on my way with very little backwards sewing feeling more and more confident.

Then it was time to sew all the sections together - major fail!  

Hmm missing something?

I totally missed the (tiny!) parts of the knitting needles closest to the ball of wool - ugh .. confidence shattered ... I planted a tree and printed out that part of the pattern again and this time used my 3 year old's crayons to colour in the sections to co-ordinate with my fabric selections - TIP FOR YOUNG PLAYERS!!

With a little more forward and backward sewing (yes ok, unpicking - there - I said it) and a press I finally had this wonderous ...

fabulous ...

spectacular, most amaaaaazing block of a ball of wool and two knitting needles - booo yeh, back-of-the-net!!!

That'll do pig .. that'll do

Boot Camp training complete! This little soldier is ready for Fairytale blocks.



  1. Lol! Love it! You crack me up! I'm so glad you conquered your paper piecing boot camp and totally did a fabulous job! Well done my friend!

  2. Really cute block... and blog!
    Love your fabrics!


  3. It's a great ball of wool, I love the way it looks like it is wound around the ball.

  4. Fabulous! Love the ball of wool and needles gorgeous. Stopping by from PPP

  5. Ha ha, so funny! Backwards sewing, LOL!
    Congratulations on the finish!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  6. I don't know what I love more, your awesome knitting block or my favorite Babe quote.

  7. Agh I can't stand it when that happens! Good for you for catching it and making it work ;) Lovely job ;)

  8. Lovely work Serena...and soooo much patience, and I know the perspiration I mean inspiration was flowing lol :)

  9. Woo hoo! Isn't it fun to conquer a new skill!!



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