As it's Mother’s Day today in Australia, I thought it only fitting that I next talk about the quilt I made
for my one shining star, my Mum.
I was flicking through Quilters Companion magazine when I came across a striking quilt called “Lone Star” by Michelle
Marvig. It spoke to me and I thought of my Mum immediately.
Quilters Companion Magazine Vol 9.2 No. 42 |
I read through the instructions a few times thinking to
myself “Yup, yup, I understand that completely.” Well, in my defense, I had just concurred my first quilt so my confidence was at an all time high.
It was about a year away from my Mum’s 60th (sorry for divulging
your age Mum!) and luckily for me Spotlight was having a sale – hooray! So I had a year to complete this quilt and
bargain fabric to make it with, which meant I would have spare cash to have it
professionally and beautifully quilted.
I was on a winning streak!
One star point down, seven more to go! |
As it was school holidays my quilting class was on break. So I thought I would carry on anyway (being
the quilting extraordinaire of one whole quilt) and purchase the fabric. I would studiously follow all of the cutting instructions and then
gain advice from my quilting teachers to help piece it all together during my
classes – this is where all the properly experienced quilters laugh out loud –
it’s ok, I can take it …
Three more star points to go! |
Exiting Spotlight and running to my car through the rain - on
a high from purchasing bundles of bright fabric for practically nothing - I
nearly get hit by a 4WD. Oh dear, was
this an omen?
Turns out it was …
I cut all the fabric and started sewing strips together that
I would later cut at 3” intervals on a 45 degree angle. Yes, well, I went ahead cutting them all at a
45 degree angle at 3” apart – but on the horizontal instead of 3” along the
angle – tip for young players! Oh dear …
luckily Spotlight was still having their sale.
If I had just waited for my classes to start then I would have been
shown how to properly cut along the angle.
Such excitement, such haste, such disaster!
I'm glad someone is finding this quilt relaxing ... |
When my classes finally started I went in with my bundles of
fabric and magazine instructions under arm.
Finally I would be put on the right track and I would pay attention and
listen intently. Well this is what I
Teacher: “Um, any reason why you chose this particular quilt
to make?”
Me: “Well it’s my mum’s
60th birthday coming up and she’s my shining star so I thought I
would show her through this quilt”
Teacher: “Yes, ok, um, that’s a really lovely thought. But, this is your second quilt”
Me: “Yes it is”
Teacher: “… and you have chosen quite a difficult quilt …”
Me (thinking) “Oh crap”
Teacher “You say you’ve already bought and started cutting
the fabric?”
Me “yes – um, twice”
Teacher “Ok, well how much time have you set yourself to
make this quilt?”
Me “About a year”
Teacher “Ok, well, we better get cracking!”
Pretty happy with the points I was able to achieve |
I did get this lovely quilt finished just in the nick of
time and I managed to keep it a secret from Mum for a whole year – this is
unheard of!
It was beautifully quilted in a bubble pattern which I think
softens the look of that striking star.
Lovely quilted bubble pattern |
I chose not to do a big border on this quilt as I wanted the star to be the main focus.
Very narrow border - just enough to frame the star |
I’m not going to lie to you, for my second quilt, it was definitely
tough going. But the thing that made me persevere
with this quilt, was who I making it for.
My Mum. The one person that
believes in me no matter what. Who loves
me unconditionally and always has encouraging words and a hug ready and waiting
for me.
Matches Mum's fav Elvis pic perfectly! |
If you would like to make this quilt for your shining star
then you could order a back issue of Quilters Companion magazine Vol 9.2 No. 42
… OR … I just found a link to the pattern for free on the Complete Craft website.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Linking up with the Sunday Stash crew (for the first time - hello everyone!) at Finding Fifth.